Newsletter and Free Novella

Recently I started a newsletter. The goal is for the newsletter to be informative, and contain some exclusive material, while not being overly annoying and flooding your inbox.

I like to share things such as: artwork for upcoming books, chapter excerpts, cover reveals, as well as a summary of things I’m working on. It’s a way to keep readers up to date on current and upcoming projects. It’s as if I’m bringing you along on the journey from the first draft through publication.

This month I released an exclusive Prequel to the Magic Cube series. This novella introduces us to the Magic Cube. The free PDF download. can stand on its own; you don’t have to read other books in the series for this one to make sense.  You can read the first chapter here.

I would like to share a sample of what a typical newsletter looks like. Below is a copy of the April 2021 issue: – April 2021 NewsletterIf you are interested in subscribing and receiving your free PDF of,  Adventure Under the Sea, sign up for the newsletter today.

Click Here to sign up for the newsletter